South Florida Rare Bird Update
Compiled by Brian Rapoza
Last updated July 21, 2021
Please post updates on the TAS Bird Board, positive or negative, for the following:
Recent Reports
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Sem-Chi Rice Mill, Palm Beach County: Last reported July 21 (eBird) Photo
Directions: From Florida’s Turnpike in West Palm Beach, exit at Southern Boulevard/SR 80. Drive west 13.5 miles to CR 880. Turn left and drive west 4 miles to the Sem Chi Rice Mill entrance road. Turn left and drive 0.7 miles to the rice mill. Several birds have been seen among blackbirds and cowbirds around the mill. Please bird from the road and don't trespass onto the mill property. Map
Yellow-green Vireo
Dante Fascell Visitor Center, Biscayne National Park, Miami-Dade County: Last reported July 18 (eBird) Photo
Directions: From Florida's Turnpike, exit at Speedway Boulevard (Southwest 137 Avenue, Exit 6). Turn left and drive south 3 miles to North Canal Drive (SW 328 Street). Turn left and drive east 4 miles to the park entrance (no fee, open 7:00am-5:30pm). The bird has been seen in the visitor center parking area, associating with a Black-whiskered Vireo. Map
Neotropic Cormorant
Green Cay Wetlands, Palm Beach County: Reported July 17 (eBird) Photo
Directions: From Florida's Turnpike, exit at Atlantic Avenue (Exit 81). Drive east 0.7 miles to Hagen Ranch Road. Turn left and drive north 2.2 miles to the entrance (no fee, open sunrise to sunset). No specific location has been provided for this sighting. Map
Wakodahatchee Wetlands, Delray Beach, Palm Beach County: Last reported July 16 (eBird) Photo
Directions: From Florida's Turnpike, exit at Atlantic Avenue (Exit 81). Drive east 1.7 miles to Jog Road. Turn left and drive north 1.5 miles to the entrance (no fee, open sunrise to sunset). The bird has been seen on a tree island to the left of the "T" in the boardwalk. Map
Black Noddy
Garden Key, Dry Tortugas National Park, Monroe County: Last reported July 16 (eBird) Photo
Directions: See for Dry Tortugas ferry information. The bird has been seen at the north coaling docks. Map
Older Reports
Common Eider
Kenneth M. Myers Bayside Park, Coconut Grove, Miami-Dade County: Reported July 8 (iNaturalist) Photo
Directions: From I-95, exit at the Rickenbacker Causeway (Exit 1). Drive east 0.1 miles to S. Miami Avenue. Turn right and drive south 2.8 miles (becomes Bayshore Drive) to the park entrance (parking fee, open sunrise to sunset). The bird was seen in the bay offshore from the park. Map
South Florida as defined here includes the following counties: Broward, Collier, Hendry, Lee, Miami-Dade, Monroe and Palm Beach. Click here for locations to see regularly-occurring south Florida specialties. Click here for directions to those locations. BirdBoard reports for these species are also appreciated. If any errors are found in this report, please email Brian Rapoza.