Media Coverage


February 17th - Print Miami New Times: Environmentalists Still Oppose Miami International Boat Show and Fight Over Key Biscayne


November 2 - Print El Nuevo Herald: La Enmienda 1 y los derechos del consumidor

August 24 - Print Miami Herald: Yes on Solar


July 19th - Print Miami Herald: Parrot poaching: Animal lovers work to save young birds from being snatched and sold

June 9th - Print Miami New Times: Fiery Debate Over Miami Air Show in Everglades

June 3rd - Print SOMIMagazine: Tropical Audubon Society Celebrates a Century of Environmental Stewardship

May 12th - Print Community News: South Florida Celebrates100 Years of Audubon Presence

April 30th - Print Miami Herald: Miami’s oldest environmental group marks 100 years in the trenches

March 11th - Print Miami Herald: Proposed changes could reduce manatee protections in Miami-Dade

March 6th - Print Miami Herald: Miami-Dade County seeks to buy rare forest

February 5th - Print Miami Herald: Biscayne Bay coral at risk from sloppy dredge work


December 31st - Television Local 10 News coverage on Christmas Bird Counts with Joe Barros

September 14th - Print El Nuevo Herald: Presentarán un nuevo plan para extender la 836 hasta

June 10th - Print & Blog Miami Design Charrette Tackles Global Warming

May 12th - Hispanic Television Telemundo’s Alerta Verde, Noticias51: Ciencia Ciudadana 

April 8 - Hispanic Television Telemundo’s Alerta Verde, Noticias51: Ciudad Vertical


October 14th - Radio Let’s Talk About it: Sea Level Rise, UDB and the Everglades