Bird Board

Whip-poor-will, summer tanager at Green Cay

A nightjar of some kind - hard to tell which but I'm leaning towards Whip-poor-will at the moment as it did seem to present a bit grey-er in color than the last chuck-will's I saw...he was sitting high in a palm tree just across from the men's bathroom entrance. Surprisingly very out in the open, other than having to look up in the palm tree to see him - and there was not any good light on the bird either.
The other nice sighting was what I initially thought was a female painted bunting out in an unusual spot, but on further and closer look and from help with the ID, appears to be a female summer tanager. This is very close to the spot where I spotted a western tanager last week.

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Luis A Gonzalez
over 5 years ago

That's a Scarlet Tanager, they have yellowish feathers in fall as opposed to the orange feathers of the Summer combined with the black wings.

Justin Miller
over 5 years ago

OK - thank you Luis for the clarification. I'm not as familiar with the tanagers, and I had others ID that as a summer tanager. I'll correct the ID to scarlet.

over 5 years ago

Everyone @ GC says it's a Whip-poor-Will. I have photos of him in the palm trees as well as on the ground where he was last seen near the Nature Center on the left side. Green Cay unfortunately is now closed for 6 months but we all got great looks/photos while on the ground.

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