Bird Board

West Palm Beach Sod Farms (RUFF & Upland Sandpipers)

Shane, Mike, Nico and I hit the sod fields in West Palm Beach today (8/11). We started off the day at the King Ranch Sod area and had great views at a pair of Northern Bobwhites and later a Shiny Cowbird along the road. We then headed to Brown's Farm Road where we had a nice assortment of shorebirds (including Pectoral, Stilt, Semipalmated and Least Sandpipers) in addition to several Black and Gull-billed Terns and a flyover pair of Fulvous Whistling-Ducks.

We then worked our way towards the Six Mile Bend area where we found a promising field with lots of shorebirds. Our first bird was a RUFF feeding at relatively close range (a scope is extremely useful). After photographing the bird and putting some others on it, we moved on to the Old Vandergrift Road area. There we had at least 5 Upland Sandpipers. Good luck to all who chase.

I attached my ebird checklist below with photos of the Ruff.


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