Bird Board

TAS Cape Florida walk (4/16): 2 Western Spindalis

Bill Baggs Cape Florida SP was crowded with picnickers and beach-goers but we birders held our own! We were a group of 38 patient and friendly birders, checking out spring migration and looking for a male Western Spindalis (Bahamas black-backed) found late yesterday by Miriam Avello.

I changed the walk route to accommodate this bird but he was a stinker and while he allowed some of us to hear him early, he didn't allow any looks. UNTIL - shortly before 1 PM, diehard birders relocated him in the same area where he was late yesterday. (see map) Meahwhile, to soothe our early disappointment, a female Western Spindalis was found on the dirt Nature Trail by Nico and Noah. (see map) She wasn't very cooperative but she did give up good looks to some of us. Is she the same bird that showed up last December? Other good birds were discovered in the same area while we waited for her to reappear.

We tallied 15 warbler species, including: Common Yellowthroat, American Redstart, Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush and Black-throated Blue, Cape May, Blackpoll, Prairie, Yellow-rumped, Prothonotary, Hooded, Black-and-white, Magnolia, Worm-eating and a lone Palm Warbler.

Other birds of interest: Blue-headed and Black-whiskered Vireo, White-crowned Pigeon, Painted Bunting, Merlin, Gray Kingbird and Great Crested Flycatcher.

Birders came from all over, including other parts of Florida, California, Delaware and North Carolina. Thank you all for your wonderful birding skills and good spirits. Many thanks to scouts Noah, Nico, Omar and Stephen and to Assistant Miriam. Special thanks to Lu Dodson, Assistant Manager, who made sure that we had access to the lighthouse area.

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Brian Rapoza
over 7 years ago

I just noticed, Robin, that the nature trail has been named in your honor. Congratulations!

steve siegel
over 7 years ago

Yes, Robin, congratulations. Well deserved.

over 7 years ago

I accidentally left off Mike's name from the "scouts." Thanks very much, Mike!

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