Bird Board
Help with ID of Tanager
Posted by Thomas Trotta
about 6 years ago
Hi, I only have seen two Tanagers before today. Saw two of these in the Fakahatchee Strand 1/15/2019. When reviewing the Tanagers I thought it was a Summer Tanager because they are known to overwinter in South Florida. This bird, however, appears to have black tail and wing. Please help ID. Thank you
If it had black on the wings and tail then it was a female Scarlet Tanager, most of them migrate south, but a few of them overwinter in South Florida.
Thomas - Your photo seems to be of a Summer Tanager, a regular South Florida winter visitor. Note the large size and color of the bill, as well as the golden-yellow color of the plumage. Scarlet Tanager is a rare wintering bird that has a smaller bill and greenish-yellow plumage.
Thank you for sharing your photo.
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