Bird Board

Good location for Raptors

Looking for a prime location to spot raptors in Miami Dade and best time of the day. I'd really appreciate it. Love other birds too, looking forward for fall migration.


Brian Rapoza
over 4 years ago

Coastal locations are usually most productive for migrating raptors, especially falcons. Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park on Key Biscayne is arguably the best location in Miami-Dade. Raptors could be overhead at any time of day. Mornings are best for migrant songbirds.

Omar M
over 4 years ago

Thank you sir!......and thank you for your work and dedication....looking forward to go on a birding field day with you one day.... stay safe.

Brian Rapoza
over 4 years ago

Thank you for the kind words, Omar. My plan is to resume leading TAS birding trips the minute that it's once again safe to do so.

over 4 years ago

Hello Brian.. My name is Teresa Dominguez and I have a white dove that came to my window..i've been feeding her and given her water and she seems to like it here and does not want to leave. This dove is pure white and shes about 1pd in weight caught her and kept her in a big like dog cage for bout 2 weeks i brought her in to sleep and even got a cover for her cage. I thouht I could keep her but i let her loose and she went back to my neighbors windows and they dont like her sleeping or hanging around cause they say shes a nuisance..sooo i just need help maybe if you know of someone that can care for her...I just caught her again and shes back in the kills me to see her caged in...please please if you could call me my no is 786 942 7502...i live off !07 Ave and 72 street in Miami Fla.

Brian Rapoza
over 4 years ago

Teresa, you may have a homing pigeon that belongs to someone. The International Federation of American Homing Pigeon Fanciers provides information on how to reunite a homing pigeon with its owner. See their website, at

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