Bird Board
Flamingo in Snake Bight
Posted by Bob Showler
over 7 years ago
This morning, Cherry Pickman & I paddled kayaks into Snake Bight (about 1 mile east of Flamingo) and we saw an adult flamingo. The bird was hanging out in the western part of the bight.
Tasha Trujillo and I relocated the flamingo this morning and watched it in the same location you reported on the western end of Snake Bight. Thank you Bob! When I saw your post last night I told Tasha and we decided to go for it. I'll comment in a bit with a link to some pictures. We also found marbled godwits, one huge distant flock of american white pelicans (it looked like they were at the end of the Snake Bight trail), black skimmers and heard yellow warblers. We rented a canoe from Flamingo to paddle out to Snake Bight.
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