Bird Board
blue jay mimic osprey whsitle
Posted by bill
over 7 years ago
for months would hear it and fail to see osprey...figured it must be blue jay and he did it 5 yards from me this common?
for months would hear it and fail to see osprey...figured it must be blue jay and he did it 5 yards from me this common?
I would consider that to be within their ability.
The ones in my yard regularly imitate hawks - especially when other birds are at feeders - they'll do the hawk call, all the other birds scatter, then they fly up and feed.
Sometimes they don't necessarily have a reason to make a call - they just imitate sounds they commonly hear. So I suppose your blue jay has been around a lot of osprey.
The other day, I heard a Red-shouldered Hawk do a perfect imitation of a Blue Jay.
I once had a Blue Jay in my yard for months that did a perfect imitation of a Puerto Rican coqui frog. Blue Jays aren't known to go to PR, so I wonder how it learned that sound.
The blue jays in my yard imetate car horns and car alarms. I live on kendal!!!!
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