Bird Board

Hugh Taylor Birch S.P. 4/17 and 4/18 Evergreen Cemetery 4/18

It was a really good two days . I had 14 sp. of warblers combined as well as Summer Tanager , R.B. Grosbeak , Painted Bunting , Northern Oriole . Far fewer birds today and things slowed considerably after noon .No Magnolia today but added Cerulean . I also added Prothonotary and Summer Tanager today at Evergreen Cemetery .
Stopped at Birch late this afternoon after the Cemetery with no luck on the Cerulean .Last seen around noon .

10:30-16:30 yesterday at Birch

Blackpoll at least 50
Magnolia 1
Worm-eating 8
Prairie 12
Black and white 20
Palm 3
Ovenbird 8
N. Waterthrush 1
Parula 12
Redstart 15
Cape May 8
C. Yellowthroat 4

Great Two Days !!
Good Birding .


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