Bird Board

Bill Baggs fallout 4/11/18 afternoon

Bill Baggs State Park had modest warbler counts Wednesday morning but I noticed several flocks moving into the trees from the south around 1PM just as I was about to leave. I decided to hike around some more, and the birds kept pouring in over the next hour. The activity started as it clouded over and looked like it was going to rain.

There was too much going on for exact counts, but here are ball park estimates of the birds I observed:

300+ Palm
100+ Prairie
50+ Cape May
30+ B&W
30+ Black-throated Blue
20+ Common Yellowthroats
15+ Redstarts
15+ Northern Parulas
10+ Worm-eaters
10+ Yellow-rumped
2 Swainson's Warblers (possibly 3)
1 Northern Waterthrush

Probable Ovenbird and Magnolia, plus a few "maybes" on other species.

Other birds of note: Black-whiskered Vireos (possibly 2), 2-3 Merlins, and 3 Common Nighthawks (daytime fly-overs, with one calling).

By 3PM it was mostly quiet again. There were still quite a few birds foraging but most had apparently flown north.


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